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Інфармацыя аб маршруце і разлік адлегласці паміж месцамі

Колькі кіламетраў і гадзін паміж Aousserd (EH) і Benslimane?

RN1, Autoroute Casablanca-Agadir الطريق السيار الدار البيضاء-أكادير

1840.3 , 22 гадзіны 13 хвіліны

Head west150 m
Make a sharp right800 m
Turn left onto RN3200
Turn right onto RN110
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN130 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1300
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto Avenida Hasán II (RN1)35 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenida Hasán II (RN1)550 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Avenida Hasán II (RN1)8 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenida Hasán II (RN1)500 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Avenida Hasán II (RN1)9 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenida Hasán II (RN1)2
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN160 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1150
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN130 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN14
Make a slight right onto Ruta Nacional 1 (RN1)50 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Ruta Nacional 1 (RN1)20 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Ruta Nacional 1 (RN1)20
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN120 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1900 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN115 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1600 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN115 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN11.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN120 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1350 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN125 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1700 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Avenue Mohamed V شارع الحسن الثاني (RN1)40 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue Mohamed V شارع الحسن الثاني (RN1)400 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard de la Mecque (RN1)20 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard de la Mecque (RN1)40 m
Go straight onto Avenue Mohamed V شارع الحسن الثاني (RN1)250 m
Turn right90 m
Make a slight right onto Boulevard Moulay Abdellah100 m
Turn left to stay on Boulevard Moulay Abdellah1
Turn left80 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN13.5 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN11
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN140 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN12
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN145 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN11.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto RN160 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN160
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN170 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN130
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN145 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN12.5
Continue towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar90
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN120 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN12.5
Continue onto Voie express Tiznit – dakhla20
Keep right onto Voie express Tiznit – dakhla25
Keep right towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar15
Continue onto Voie express Tiznit – dakhla20
Continue towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar4
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar9 m
Exit the traffic circle towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar8
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Voie express Tiznit - Laayoune - Dakhla (RN1)8 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Voie express Tiznit - Laayoune - Dakhla (RN1)20
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar70 m
Exit the traffic circle towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar9
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN1 Voie express Tiznit - Laayoune - Dakhla (RN1)60 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1 Voie express Tiznit - Laayoune - Dakhla (RN1)15
Continue towards RN1: East-West Algeciras Road to Dakar100
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Voie Express Tiznit-Dakhla80 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Voie Express Tiznit-Dakhla100
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto RN160 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN125
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN140 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN13
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN125 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN14.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN130 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN18
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN125 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN11
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN130 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN12
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN125 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN14
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN155 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN15.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN150 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN11.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN145 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1900 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN150 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN17
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Aït Melloul55 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Aït Melloul4.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto RN1060 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN10450 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit15 m
Exit the traffic circle2
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Agadir80 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Agadir250 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN130 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1500 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN135 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1200 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto RN140 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN1350 m
Take the ramp towards N8: Marrakech90 m
Merge left towards أكادير900 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Marrakech40 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Marrakech900 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Marrakech35 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Marrakech1.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Marrakech55 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Marrakech1.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards أكادير40 m
Exit the traffic circle towards أكادير2
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards أكادير35 m
Exit the traffic circle towards أكادير3.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Marrakech45 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Marrakech600 m
Continue towards أكادير400
Keep left towards أكادير25
Take the ramp towards A1: Rabat700 m
Merge left towards آسفي25
Continue slightly right onto الطريق السيار الرباط - الدار البيضاء (A1)1.5
Continue towards Mohammedia est900 m
Continue towards Mohammedia est8
Continue towards Mohammedia est250 m
Take exit 148 towards R313: Mohammédia Est800 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR31320 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3131.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RR31340 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3138
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR31330 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3133
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR31330 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3139
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RR31320 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR313500 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR31340 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3132
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN2340 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN23450 m
Turn left600 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit15 m
Exit the traffic circle200 m
Turn right100 m
Turn left80 m
You have arrived at your destination0 m
Leaflet | Даныя карты © OpenStreetMap укладальнікі

Маршрут Aousserd (EH) Benslimane

Вы можаце выкарыстоўваць жывую карту. Карта дазваляе бачыць альтэрнатыўныя маршруты на вашым шляху. Яна пералічвае час прыбыцця з улікам рэальнага часу руху, дапамагаючы вам зразумець уплыў дарожнага руху. Вы можаце пераключыцца на навігацыю з дапамогай кнопак 'Навігацыя Google' або 'Навігацыя Яндэкс' і атрымаць жывое кіраўніцтва маршрутам.

Важна праверыць прагноз надвор'я на дзень і час, калі вы плануеце падарожжа. Гэта дапаможа падрыхтавацца да дажджу або іншых непрыяцельскіх умоў надвор'я. Каб паглядзець 5-дзённы прагноз надвор'я для Aousserd (EH) або Benslimane, націсніце тут.

Разлік паліва Aousserd (EH) Benslimane

Калі вы хочаце даведацца, колькі паліва спажыве ваш аўтамабіль на маршруце паміж Aousserd (EH) і Benslimane, давайце разлічым. Для аўтамабіля на бензіне вы выкарыстаеце прыкладна 92.15 літраў паліва на 1417 км, што каштуе каля $117. Для аўтамабіля на дызелі вы выкарыстаеце прыкладна 85.1 літраў паліва, што будзе каштаваць каля $108. Калі ваш аўтамабіль мае сістэму LPG, сярэдняя кошт паліва будзе $0.

Кошт спажывання паліва

Бензіна Дызель LPG
$117 $108 $0
Заўвага: разлік паліва па кіламетрах заснаваны на сярэдніх цэнах на паліва ў рэгіёнах станам на 14-03-2025. Бензіна: 1.27 $, дызель: 1.28 $, LPG: 0.00 $. Прыймаецца, што аўтамабіль на бензіне спажывае 6.5 літраў паліва пры хуткасці 90 км/г на 100 км, а аўтамабіль на дызелі спажывае ў сярэднім 6 літраў паліва. Кошт разліку паліва можа вар'іравацца ў залежнасці ад хуткасці аўтамабіля, шын, умоў дарог, коштаў на паліва ў рэгіёнах і спажывання паліва ў гарадскіх і сельскіх умовах.

Выпадковыя месцы

Разлік адлегласці Tanzania

Shinyanga - SimiyuShinyanga - KageraShinyanga - DodomaShinyanga - KilimanjaroShinyanga - MaraShinyanga - TaboraShinyanga - MorogoroShinyanga - Zanzibar SouthShinyanga - Pemba SouthShinyanga - Zanzibar NorthShinyanga - SingidaShinyanga - Zanzibar WestShinyanga - MtwaraShinyanga - RukwaShinyanga - KigomaShinyanga - MwanzaShinyanga - NjombeShinyanga - GeitaShinyanga - KataviShinyanga - LindiShinyanga - ManyaraShinyanga - PwaniShinyanga - RuvumaShinyanga - TangaShinyanga - Pemba NorthShinyanga - IringaShinyanga - Dar es SalaamShinyanga - ArushaShinyanga - MbeyaShinyanga - SongweSimiyu - KageraSimiyu - DodomaSimiyu - KilimanjaroSimiyu - MaraSimiyu - TaboraSimiyu - MorogoroSimiyu - Zanzibar SouthSimiyu - Pemba SouthSimiyu - Zanzibar NorthSimiyu - SingidaSimiyu - Zanzibar WestSimiyu - MtwaraSimiyu - RukwaSimiyu - KigomaSimiyu - MwanzaSimiyu - NjombeSimiyu - GeitaSimiyu - KataviSimiyu - LindiSimiyu - ManyaraSimiyu - PwaniSimiyu - RuvumaSimiyu - TangaSimiyu - Pemba NorthSimiyu - IringaSimiyu - Dar es SalaamSimiyu - ArushaSimiyu - MbeyaSimiyu - SongweKagera - DodomaKagera - KilimanjaroKagera - MaraKagera - TaboraKagera - MorogoroKagera - Zanzibar SouthKagera - Pemba SouthKagera - Zanzibar NorthKagera - SingidaKagera - Zanzibar WestKagera - MtwaraKagera - RukwaKagera - KigomaKagera - MwanzaKagera - NjombeKagera - GeitaKagera - KataviKagera - LindiKagera - ManyaraKagera - PwaniKagera - RuvumaKagera - TangaKagera - Pemba NorthKagera - IringaKagera - Dar es SalaamKagera - ArushaKagera - MbeyaKagera - SongweDodoma - KilimanjaroDodoma - MaraDodoma - TaboraDodoma - MorogoroDodoma - Zanzibar SouthDodoma - Pemba SouthDodoma - Zanzibar NorthDodoma - SingidaDodoma - Zanzibar WestDodoma - MtwaraDodoma - RukwaDodoma - KigomaDodoma - MwanzaDodoma - NjombeDodoma - GeitaDodoma - KataviDodoma - LindiDodoma - ManyaraDodoma - PwaniDodoma - RuvumaDodoma - TangaDodoma - Pemba NorthDodoma - IringaDodoma - Dar es SalaamDodoma - ArushaDodoma - MbeyaDodoma - SongweKilimanjaro - MaraKilimanjaro - TaboraKilimanjaro - MorogoroKilimanjaro - Zanzibar SouthKilimanjaro - Pemba SouthKilimanjaro - Zanzibar NorthKilimanjaro - SingidaKilimanjaro - Zanzibar WestKilimanjaro - MtwaraKilimanjaro - RukwaKilimanjaro - KigomaKilimanjaro - MwanzaKilimanjaro - NjombeKilimanjaro - GeitaKilimanjaro - KataviKilimanjaro - LindiKilimanjaro - ManyaraKilimanjaro - PwaniKilimanjaro - RuvumaKilimanjaro - TangaKilimanjaro - Pemba NorthKilimanjaro - IringaKilimanjaro - Dar es SalaamKilimanjaro - ArushaKilimanjaro - MbeyaKilimanjaro - SongweMara - TaboraMara - MorogoroMara - Zanzibar SouthMara - Pemba SouthMara - Zanzibar NorthMara - SingidaMara - Zanzibar WestMara - MtwaraMara - RukwaMara - KigomaMara - MwanzaMara - NjombeMara - GeitaMara - KataviMara - LindiMara - ManyaraMara - PwaniMara - RuvumaMara - TangaMara - Pemba NorthMara - IringaMara - Dar es SalaamMara - ArushaMara - MbeyaMara - SongweTabora - MorogoroTabora - Zanzibar SouthTabora - Pemba SouthTabora - Zanzibar NorthTabora - SingidaTabora - Zanzibar WestTabora - MtwaraTabora - RukwaTabora - KigomaTabora - MwanzaTabora - NjombeTabora - GeitaTabora - KataviTabora - LindiTabora - ManyaraTabora - PwaniTabora - RuvumaTabora - TangaTabora - Pemba NorthTabora - IringaTabora - Dar es SalaamTabora - ArushaTabora - MbeyaTabora - SongweMorogoro - Zanzibar SouthMorogoro - Pemba SouthMorogoro - Zanzibar NorthMorogoro - SingidaMorogoro - Zanzibar WestMorogoro - MtwaraMorogoro - RukwaMorogoro - KigomaMorogoro - MwanzaMorogoro - NjombeMorogoro - GeitaMorogoro - KataviMorogoro - LindiMorogoro - ManyaraMorogoro - PwaniMorogoro - RuvumaMorogoro - TangaMorogoro - Pemba NorthMorogoro - IringaMorogoro - Dar es SalaamMorogoro - ArushaMorogoro - MbeyaMorogoro - SongweZanzibar South - Pemba SouthZanzibar South - Zanzibar NorthZanzibar South - SingidaZanzibar South - Zanzibar WestZanzibar South - MtwaraZanzibar South - RukwaZanzibar South - KigomaZanzibar South - MwanzaZanzibar South - NjombeZanzibar South - GeitaZanzibar South - KataviZanzibar South - LindiZanzibar South - ManyaraZanzibar South - PwaniZanzibar South - RuvumaZanzibar South - TangaZanzibar South - Pemba NorthZanzibar South - IringaZanzibar South - Dar es SalaamZanzibar South - ArushaZanzibar South - MbeyaZanzibar South - SongwePemba South - Zanzibar NorthPemba South - SingidaPemba South - Zanzibar WestPemba South - MtwaraPemba South - RukwaPemba South - KigomaPemba South - MwanzaPemba South - NjombePemba South - GeitaPemba South - KataviPemba South - LindiPemba South - ManyaraPemba South - PwaniPemba South - RuvumaPemba South - TangaPemba South - Pemba NorthPemba South - IringaPemba South - Dar es SalaamPemba South - ArushaPemba South - MbeyaPemba South - SongweZanzibar North - SingidaZanzibar North - Zanzibar WestZanzibar North - MtwaraZanzibar North - RukwaZanzibar North - KigomaZanzibar North - MwanzaZanzibar North - NjombeZanzibar North - GeitaZanzibar North - KataviZanzibar North - LindiZanzibar North - ManyaraZanzibar North - PwaniZanzibar North - RuvumaZanzibar North - TangaZanzibar North - Pemba NorthZanzibar North - IringaZanzibar North - Dar es SalaamZanzibar North - ArushaZanzibar North - MbeyaZanzibar North - SongweSingida - Zanzibar WestSingida - MtwaraSingida - RukwaSingida - KigomaSingida - MwanzaSingida - NjombeSingida - GeitaSingida - KataviSingida - LindiSingida - ManyaraSingida - PwaniSingida - RuvumaSingida - TangaSingida - Pemba NorthSingida - IringaSingida - Dar es SalaamSingida - ArushaSingida - MbeyaSingida - SongweZanzibar West - MtwaraZanzibar West - RukwaZanzibar West - KigomaZanzibar West - MwanzaZanzibar West - NjombeZanzibar West - GeitaZanzibar West - KataviZanzibar West - LindiZanzibar West - ManyaraZanzibar West - PwaniZanzibar West - RuvumaZanzibar West - TangaZanzibar West - Pemba NorthZanzibar West - IringaZanzibar West - Dar es SalaamZanzibar West - ArushaZanzibar West - MbeyaZanzibar West - SongweMtwara - RukwaMtwara - KigomaMtwara - MwanzaMtwara - NjombeMtwara - GeitaMtwara - KataviMtwara - LindiMtwara - ManyaraMtwara - PwaniMtwara - RuvumaMtwara - TangaMtwara - Pemba NorthMtwara - IringaMtwara - Dar es SalaamMtwara - ArushaMtwara - MbeyaMtwara - SongweRukwa - KigomaRukwa - MwanzaRukwa - NjombeRukwa - GeitaRukwa - KataviRukwa - LindiRukwa - ManyaraRukwa - PwaniRukwa - RuvumaRukwa - TangaRukwa - Pemba NorthRukwa - IringaRukwa - Dar es SalaamRukwa - ArushaRukwa - MbeyaRukwa - SongweKigoma - MwanzaKigoma - NjombeKigoma - GeitaKigoma - KataviKigoma - LindiKigoma - ManyaraKigoma - PwaniKigoma - RuvumaKigoma - TangaKigoma - Pemba NorthKigoma - IringaKigoma - Dar es SalaamKigoma - ArushaKigoma - MbeyaKigoma - SongweMwanza - NjombeMwanza - GeitaMwanza - KataviMwanza - LindiMwanza - ManyaraMwanza - PwaniMwanza - RuvumaMwanza - TangaMwanza - Pemba NorthMwanza - IringaMwanza - Dar es SalaamMwanza - ArushaMwanza - MbeyaMwanza - SongweNjombe - GeitaNjombe - KataviNjombe - LindiNjombe - ManyaraNjombe - PwaniNjombe - RuvumaNjombe - TangaNjombe - Pemba NorthNjombe - IringaNjombe - Dar es SalaamNjombe - ArushaNjombe - MbeyaNjombe - SongweGeita - KataviGeita - LindiGeita - ManyaraGeita - PwaniGeita - RuvumaGeita - TangaGeita - Pemba NorthGeita - IringaGeita - Dar es SalaamGeita - ArushaGeita - MbeyaGeita - SongweKatavi - LindiKatavi - ManyaraKatavi - PwaniKatavi - RuvumaKatavi - TangaKatavi - Pemba NorthKatavi - IringaKatavi - Dar es SalaamKatavi - ArushaKatavi - MbeyaKatavi - SongweLindi - ManyaraLindi - PwaniLindi - RuvumaLindi - TangaLindi - Pemba NorthLindi - IringaLindi - Dar es SalaamLindi - ArushaLindi - MbeyaLindi - SongweManyara - PwaniManyara - RuvumaManyara - TangaManyara - Pemba NorthManyara - IringaManyara - Dar es SalaamManyara - ArushaManyara - MbeyaManyara - SongwePwani - RuvumaPwani - TangaPwani - Pemba NorthPwani - IringaPwani - Dar es SalaamPwani - ArushaPwani - MbeyaPwani - SongweRuvuma - TangaRuvuma - Pemba NorthRuvuma - IringaRuvuma - Dar es SalaamRuvuma - ArushaRuvuma - MbeyaRuvuma - SongweTanga - Pemba NorthTanga - IringaTanga - Dar es SalaamTanga - ArushaTanga - MbeyaTanga - SongwePemba North - IringaPemba North - Dar es SalaamPemba North - ArushaPemba North - MbeyaPemba North - SongweIringa - Dar es SalaamIringa - ArushaIringa - MbeyaIringa - SongweDar es Salaam - ArushaDar es Salaam - MbeyaDar es Salaam - SongweArusha - MbeyaArusha - SongweMbeya - Songwe
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Бясплатна Колькі кіламетраў паміж Aousserd (EH) і Benslimane? Кіраўніцтва па маршруце, Прагноз надвор'я - GetSMSCode.net