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Колькі кіламетраў і гадзін паміж Nouaceur і Tétouan?

Autoroute Port Tanger Med - Rabat طرق السيارات ميناء طنجة المتوسط - الرباط, RN2

429.8 , 5 гадзіны 30 хвіліны

Head north150 m
Continue straight150 m
Turn right700 m
Turn left35 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit35 m
Exit the traffic circle550 m
Go straight towards Casablanca3
Take the ramp on the right towards P3038100 m
Merge left onto RP30381
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت55 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت2.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت45 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت250 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت60 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت900 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت45 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت2
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت50 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Voie de Taddart طريق تدارت3
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RP302035 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RP30201.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RP302045 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RP30203.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit50 m
Exit the traffic circle800 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit towards A1: Casablanca20 m
Exit the traffic circle towards A1: Casablanca250 m
Keep left towards A1600 m
Merge left towards آسفي25
Continue slightly right onto الطريق السيار الرباط - الدار البيضاء (A1)1.5
Continue towards Mohammedia est900 m
Continue towards Mohammedia est45
Keep right towards Tamesna35
Continue towards Aeroport Rabat Sale30
Continue onto Autoroute Port Tanger Med - Rabat طرق السيارات ميناء طنجة المتوسط - الرباط (A 5)15
Take exit 5224 towards N1: Kénitra Nord700 m
Keep right towards N135 m
Merge left onto RN1700 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN150 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN11
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN130 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN130
Turn left onto P42345
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RP423435 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RP423410
Turn left onto RP42147 m
Take the ramp on the right500 m
Keep right onto Autoroute Port Tanger Med - Rabat طرق السيارات ميناء طنجة المتوسط - الرباط450 m
Merge left onto Autoroute Port Tanger Med - Rabat طرق السيارات ميناء طنجة المتوسط - الرباط (A 5)150
Take the ramp towards A5: Tetouan1
Continue towards Tetouan20
Take exit 527 towards N2: Tanger Est1
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit90 m
Exit the traffic circle250 m
Merge left onto RN22.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN220 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN22.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit towards Chefchaouen25 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Chefchaouen2.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN225 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN22
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN225 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN22.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards RN2: Tétouan40 m
Exit the traffic circle towards RN2: Tétouan3
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN230 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN25
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN210 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN23
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN220 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN23.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN220 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN23.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN215 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN22
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN225 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN21
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit towards Tétouan45 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Tétouan3
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Avenue 9 Avril شارع 9 أبريل (RN2)15 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue 9 Avril شارع 9 أبريل (RN2)1.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Avenue 9 Avril شارع 9 أبريل20 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue 9 Avril شارع 9 أبريل500 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Avenue 9 Avril شارع 9 أبريل20 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue 9 Avril شارع 9 أبريل500 m
Keep right onto Avenue 9 Avril شارع 9 أبريل250 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto Avenue Hassan Ben Al Mehdi55 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue Hassan Ben Al Mehdi55 m
Continue onto Avenue My Hassan Ben Al Mehdi800 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Sebta55 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Sebta550 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني35 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني800 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني20 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني100 m
Make a slight right onto Avenue Hassan I200 m
Turn left onto Avenue Hassan I400 m
Continue onto Avenue Mohamed Ameziane1
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard Ceikh Belabri Alaoui20 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Ceikh Belabri Alaoui450 m
Make a slight left700 m
Turn left100 m
You have arrived at your destination, on the left0 m
Leaflet | Даныя карты © OpenStreetMap укладальнікі

Маршрут Nouaceur Tétouan

Вы можаце выкарыстоўваць жывую карту. Карта дазваляе бачыць альтэрнатыўныя маршруты на вашым шляху. Яна пералічвае час прыбыцця з улікам рэальнага часу руху, дапамагаючы вам зразумець уплыў дарожнага руху. Вы можаце пераключыцца на навігацыю з дапамогай кнопак 'Навігацыя Google' або 'Навігацыя Яндэкс' і атрымаць жывое кіраўніцтва маршрутам.

Важна праверыць прагноз надвор'я на дзень і час, калі вы плануеце падарожжа. Гэта дапаможа падрыхтавацца да дажджу або іншых непрыяцельскіх умоў надвор'я. Каб паглядзець 5-дзённы прагноз надвор'я для Nouaceur або Tétouan, націсніце тут.

Разлік паліва Nouaceur Tétouan

Калі вы хочаце даведацца, колькі паліва спажыве ваш аўтамабіль на маршруце паміж Nouaceur і Tétouan, давайце разлічым. Для аўтамабіля на бензіне вы выкарыстаеце прыкладна 20.77 літраў паліва на 319 км, што каштуе каля $25. Для аўтамабіля на дызелі вы выкарыстаеце прыкладна 19.2 літраў паліва, што будзе каштаваць каля $24. Калі ваш аўтамабіль мае сістэму LPG, сярэдняя кошт паліва будзе $0.

Кошт спажывання паліва

Бензіна Дызель LPG
$25 $24 $0
Заўвага: разлік паліва па кіламетрах заснаваны на сярэдніх цэнах на паліва ў рэгіёнах станам на 13-03-2025. Бензіна: 1.22 $, дызель: 1.28 $, LPG: 0.00 $. Прыймаецца, што аўтамабіль на бензіне спажывае 6.5 літраў паліва пры хуткасці 90 км/г на 100 км, а аўтамабіль на дызелі спажывае ў сярэднім 6 літраў паліва. Кошт разліку паліва можа вар'іравацца ў залежнасці ад хуткасці аўтамабіля, шын, умоў дарог, коштаў на паліва ў рэгіёнах і спажывання паліва ў гарадскіх і сельскіх умовах.

Выпадковыя месцы

Разлік адлегласці Angola

Bié - Huambo Bié - Zaire Bié - Cunene Bié - Cuanza SulBié - Cuanza Norte Bié - Benguela Bié - Moxico Bié - Lunda Sul Bié - Bengo Bié - Luanda Bié - Lunda Norte Bié - Uíge Bié - Huíla Bié - Cuando Cubango Bié - Malanje Bié - Cabinda Huambo - Zaire Huambo - Cunene Huambo - Cuanza SulHuambo - Cuanza Norte Huambo - Benguela Huambo - Moxico Huambo - Lunda Sul Huambo - Bengo Huambo - Luanda Huambo - Lunda Norte Huambo - Uíge Huambo - Huíla Huambo - Cuando Cubango Huambo - Malanje Huambo - Cabinda Zaire - Cunene Zaire - Cuanza SulZaire - Cuanza Norte Zaire - Benguela Zaire - Moxico Zaire - Lunda Sul Zaire - Bengo Zaire - Luanda Zaire - Lunda Norte Zaire - Uíge Zaire - Huíla Zaire - Cuando Cubango Zaire - Malanje Zaire - Cabinda Cunene - Cuanza SulCunene - Cuanza Norte Cunene - Benguela Cunene - Moxico Cunene - Lunda Sul Cunene - Bengo Cunene - Luanda Cunene - Lunda Norte Cunene - Uíge Cunene - Huíla Cunene - Cuando Cubango Cunene - Malanje Cunene - Cabinda Cuanza Sul - Cuanza Norte Cuanza Sul - Benguela Cuanza Sul - Moxico Cuanza Sul - Lunda Sul Cuanza Sul - Bengo Cuanza Sul - Luanda Cuanza Sul - Lunda Norte Cuanza Sul - Uíge Cuanza Sul - Huíla Cuanza Sul - Cuando Cubango Cuanza Sul - Malanje Cuanza Sul - Cabinda Cuanza Norte - Benguela Cuanza Norte - Moxico Cuanza Norte - Lunda Sul Cuanza Norte - Bengo Cuanza Norte - Luanda Cuanza Norte - Lunda Norte Cuanza Norte - Uíge Cuanza Norte - Huíla Cuanza Norte - Cuando Cubango Cuanza Norte - Malanje Cuanza Norte - Cabinda Benguela - Moxico Benguela - Lunda Sul Benguela - Bengo Benguela - Luanda Benguela - Lunda Norte Benguela - Uíge Benguela - Huíla Benguela - Cuando Cubango Benguela - Malanje Benguela - Cabinda Moxico - Lunda Sul Moxico - Bengo Moxico - Luanda Moxico - Lunda Norte Moxico - Uíge Moxico - Huíla Moxico - Cuando Cubango Moxico - Malanje Moxico - Cabinda Lunda Sul - Bengo Lunda Sul - Luanda Lunda Sul - Lunda Norte Lunda Sul - Uíge Lunda Sul - Huíla Lunda Sul - Cuando Cubango Lunda Sul - Malanje Lunda Sul - Cabinda Bengo - Luanda Bengo - Lunda Norte Bengo - Uíge Bengo - Huíla Bengo - Cuando Cubango Bengo - Malanje Bengo - Cabinda Luanda - Lunda Norte Luanda - Uíge Luanda - Huíla Luanda - Cuando Cubango Luanda - Malanje Luanda - Cabinda Lunda Norte - Uíge Lunda Norte - Huíla Lunda Norte - Cuando Cubango Lunda Norte - Malanje Lunda Norte - Cabinda Uíge - Huíla Uíge - Cuando Cubango Uíge - Malanje Uíge - Cabinda Huíla - Cuando Cubango Huíla - Malanje Huíla - Cabinda Cuando Cubango - Malanje Cuando Cubango - Cabinda Malanje - Cabinda
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Бясплатна Колькі кіламетраў паміж Nouaceur і Tétouan? Кіраўніцтва па маршруце, Прагноз надвор'я - GetSMSCode.net