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✔ Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringiz saqlanmaydi va boshqalar bilan baham ko'rilmaydi

Kilometr hisoblash va viloyatlar o'rtasidagi masofa

Settat va Fquih Ben Salah o'rtasidagi masofa necha kilometr va soat?

A4, RR312

173.9 , 2 soatlar 14 daqiqalar

Head southeast on Avenue Chenguit150 m
Turn right onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني (RN9)200 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني (RN9)50 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني (RN9)1.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني (RN9)70 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني (RN9)350 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards Casablanca20 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Casablanca3
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard Mohammed V شارع محمد الخامس (RN9)50 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Mohammed V شارع محمد الخامس (RN9)100 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard Mohammed V شارع محمد الخامس (RN9)30 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Mohammed V شارع محمد الخامس (RN9)3
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit towards Casablanca15 m
Exit the traffic circle towards Casablanca2
Continue towards Berrechid600 m
Keep left towards Berrechid1
Merge left towards أكادير25
Keep right onto A92.5
Merge left towards Khouribga70
Take exit 477 towards R403: Khouribga1.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RR40380 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR4031
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR40335 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR4033.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto RR312150 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3121
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Boulevard Moulay Youssef (RR312)35 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Moulay Youssef (RR312)550 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Avenue Mohamed 5 (RR312)15 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue Mohamed 5 (RR312)450 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Boulevard Des Alaouites (RR312)1.5 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Boulevard Des Alaouites (RR312)1
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto RR31260 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR312600 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR31215 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR312900 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR31235 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR31245
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN2520 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN252
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Rue Allal ben Abdallah (RR308)70 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Rue Allal ben Abdallah (RR308)1
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit15 m
Exit the traffic circle1.5
Turn right150 m
Turn right150 m
Turn right35 m
Turn right15 m
Turn left25 m
You have arrived at your destination, on the left0 m

RR308, RN23; RR308

121.9 , 2 soatlar 15 daqiqalar

Head southeast on Avenue Chenguit150 m
Turn right onto Boulevard Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني (RN9)200 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto Avenue Rahal El Meskini40 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue Rahal El Meskini600 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto Avenue Lalla Aicha (RR308)1 m
Exit the traffic circle onto Avenue Lalla Aicha (RR308)800 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR30830 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3081.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit towards El Borouj45 m
Exit the traffic circle towards El Borouj60
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RN2330 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN231.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN2330 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN231
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RN237 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RN23200 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RR30825 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR308600 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR3087 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR30825
Turn left onto RR308800 m
Enter the traffic circle and take the 1st exit onto RR3089 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR30815
Enter the traffic circle and take the 2nd exit onto RR30825 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3083.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit onto RR30840 m
Exit the traffic circle onto RR3084.5
Enter the traffic circle and take the 3rd exit50 m
Exit the traffic circle800 m
Turn right80 m
Turn left300 m
Turn right150 m
Turn left25 m
You have arrived at your destination, on the left0 m
Leaflet | Xarita ma'lumotlari © OpenStreetMap ma'lumot manbalari

Settat Fquih Ben Salah yo'nalishlari

Interaktiv xarita yordamida siz turli yo'nalishlarni ko'rishingiz mumkin va sayohat davomida trafik holatiga qarab kelish vaqtini hisoblab chiqishingiz mumkin. Haqiqiy vaqt rejimida yo'nalishni belgilash uchun 'Google navigatsiya' yoki 'Yandex navigatsiya'ni ishlating.

Sayohat qilishdan oldin, havo prognozini ko'rish zarur, shunda siz yomg'ir yoki boshqa noqulay havo holatlaridan qochishingiz mumkin. Settat yoki Fquih Ben Salah uchun 5 kunlik havo prognozini ko'rish uchun bu yerga bosing.

Settat va Fquih Ben Salah uchun yoqilg'i hisoblash

Agar siz avtomobilingizning Settat va Fquih Ben Salah o'rtasidagi masofada qancha yoqilg'i ishlatishini bilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, biz buni hisoblashimiz mumkin. Benzinli avtomobillar odatda 6.59 litr yoqilg'i ishlatadi va bu taxminan 101 xarajat qiladi. Dizel avtomobillari taxminan $8 litr yoqilg'i ishlatadi va bu taxminan 6.1 bo'ladi. LPG avtomobillari uchun yoqilg'i qiymati $7 bo'ladi.

Yoqilg'i sarfi narxi

Benzin Dizel LPG
$8 $7 $0
Eslatma: Yoqilg'i narxi hisoblashimiz 14-03-2025da mavjud bo'lgan o'rtacha narxlarga asoslangan. Benzin: 1.27 $, Dizel: 1.28 $, LPG: 0.00 $. Benzinli avtomobillar uchun 100 km uchun yoqilg'i sarfi: 6.5 litr, Dizel avtomobillari uchun: 6 litr. Narxlar trafik tezligi, g'ildiraklar, yo'llar holati, yoqilg'i narxlari va shaharlararo sharoitlarga qarab o'zgarishi mumkin.

Tasodifiy joylar

v1.4.3 © 2009 - 2025. - Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.

Bepul Settat va Fquih Ben Salah orasidagi masofa necha km? Yo'nalishlar, Havo prognozi -